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职  称:教授

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  • 科研领域
  • 代表性论文


2000 - 2002 , 博士后 , 生物化学与分子生物学 , 北京大学 (Peking University)
1994 - 1999 , 理学博士 , 生物化学与分子生物学 , 中国农业大学 (China Agriculture University)
1992 - 1993 , 学习 , 公共卫生与病理学系 , 新西兰梅西大学 (Massey University) , 访问学者
1978 - 1982 , 理学学士 , 畜牧兽医 , 新疆八一农学院


2007 - 至今 , 教授 , 北京大学生命科学学院
2002 - 2007 , 副教授 , 北京大学生命科学学院
2000 - 2002 , 讲师 , 北京大学生命科学学院
1999 - 至今 , 研究员 , 新疆畜牧科学院
1994 - 1999 , 副研究员 , 新疆畜牧科学院
1987 - 1994 , 助理研究员 , 新疆畜牧科学院


审稿 , Vaccine , 2008 - 至今
编委 , 人兽共患病学报 (中国) , 2005 - 至今
审稿 , International Immunology , 2002 - 至今
审稿 , DNA and Cell Biology , 2002 - 至今
审稿 , Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics , 2002 - 至今
审稿 , 人兽共患病学报 , 2002 - 至今


1. 大会主题发言 武汉,第三届全国核酸疫苗与免疫研讨会 , 2008.6 2. 第二届全国核酸疫苗与免疫研讨会 大会主题发言 北京 , 2005.1 3. 全国结核病分子生物学与免疫学研究及应用研讨会 大会主题发言 湖南 , 2005.1 4. 第一届全国核酸疫苗与免疫研讨会 大会主题发言 上海 , 2003.1 5. 3x3 Canada-China Cooperation leading biotechnology toward the 21th century - the third scientific workshop. Tianjin, China , 2000.1 6. 中韩生物技术研讨会大会发言 北京 , 1996.12


免疫学 , 教学 , 北京大学 , 春季 2004-2011
3. 结核杆菌相关蛋白在固有免疫应答中的信号通路与调节机制研究
Toll样受体(TLRs)通过识别病原体的特有的模式分子结构,激活固有免疫反应(例如产生细胞因子),并通过APCs来调节获得性免疫,这对抗结核病免疫应答非常重要。一些结核杆菌会合成TLR配体来干扰宿主的TLR-介导免疫反应;其多为脂蛋白例如MPT83,38kDa脂蛋白等与配体TLR2结合,激活p38和JNK通路或NF-κB,分泌IL-6 和TNF-α。上调巨噬细胞的一些信号分子,同时加强MHC II类分子的表达,从而加强巨噬细胞抗原递呈能力。揭示了机体早期抵抗结核杆菌的免疫应答反应。
1. Jia-Yun Li, Yuan Liu, Xiao-Xue Gao, Xiang Gao and Hong Cai , TLR2 and TLR4 signaling pathways are required for recombinant Brucella abortus BCSP31-induced cytokine production, functional upregulation of mouse macrophages, and the Th1 immune response in vivo and in vitro , Cellular & Molecular Immunology , 2014 , 11(5):477-94.
2. Chen Su-Ting, Li Jia-Yun, Zhang Yi, Gao Xiang and Cai Hong , Recombinant MPT83 Derived from Mycobacterium tuberculosis Induces Cytokine Production and Upregulates the Function of Mouse Macrophages through TLR2 , The Journal of Immunology , 2012 , 188:668-677
3. Hu Xi-Dan, Chen Su-Ting, Li Jia-Yun, Yu Da-Hai, Zhang Yi, Cai Hong , An IL-15 adjuvant enhances the efficacy of a combined DNA vaccine against Brucella by increasing the CD8+ cytotoxic T cell response. , VACCINE , 2010 , 28:2408-2415
4. Hu Xi-Dan, Chen Su-Ting, Yu Da-Hai, Li Shu-Xia, Cai Hong , Immunotherapy with combined DNA vaccines is an effective treatment for M. bovis infection in cattle. , VACCINE , 2009 , 27:1317-1322
5. Hu Xi-Dan, Yu Da-Hai, Chen Su-Ting, Li Shu-Xia, Cai Hong , A Combined DNA Vaccine Provides Protective Immunity Against Mycobacterium bovis and Brucella abortus in Cattle. , DNA AND CELL BIOLOGY , 2009 , 28(4):191-199
6. Li Min, Yu Da-Hai,Cai Hong , The Synthetic Antimicrobial Peptide KLKL5KLK Enhances the Protection and Efficacy of the Combined DNA Vaccine against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. , DNA AND CELL BIOLOGY , 2008 , 27(8):405-413
7. Yu Da-Hai,Hu Xi-Dan,Cai Hong , Efficient tuberculosis treatment in mice using chemotherapy and immunotherapy with the combined DNA vaccine encoding Ag85B, MPT-64 and MPT-83. , GENE THERAPY , 2008 , 15:652–659
8. Yu Da-Hai, Li Min, Hu Xi-Dan, Cai Hong , A Combined DNA Vaccine Enhances Protective Immunity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Brucella abortus in the Presence of an IL-12 Expression Vector. , VACCINE , 2007 , 25(9):6744-6754
9. Yu Da-Hai, Cai Hong*, Hu Xi-Dan, Li Min , A Combined DNA Vaccine Encoding BCSP31, SOD and L7/L12 Confers High Protection against Brucella abortus 2308 by Inducing Specific CTL Responses. , DNA AND CELL BIOLOGY , 2007 , 26 (6): 435-443
10. Cai Hong*, Yu Da-Hai, Hu Xi-Dan, Li Shu-Xia, and Zhu Yu-Xian. , A Combined DNA Vaccine-Prime, BCG-Boost Strategy Results in Better Protection against Mycobacterium. bovis Challenge. , DNA AND CELL BIOLOGY , 2006 , 25 (8): 438-447
11. Cai Hong*, Yu Da-Hai, Tian Xia, Zhu Yu-Xian. , Co-administration of interleukin 2 plasmid DNA with combined DNA vaccines enhance significantly the protective efficacy against Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. , DNA AND CELL BIOLOGY , 2005 , 24 (10): 605-613
12. Cai Hong*, Hu Xidan, Yu Da-Hai, Li Shu-Xia, Zhu Yu-Xian. , Combined DNA vaccine encapsulated in microspheres enhanced protection efficacy against Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection of mice. , VACCINE , 2005 , 23 (32): 4167-4174
13. Cai Hong*, Tian Xia, Hu Xidan, Li Shu-Xia, Yu Da-Hai, Zhu Yu-Xian. , Combined DNA vaccines formulated either in DDA or in saline protect cattle from Mycobacterium bovis infection. , VACCINE , 2005 , 23 (30): 3887-3895
14. Cai Hong, Tian Xia, Hu Xi-Dan, Zhuang Yu-Hui, Zhu Yu-Xian* , Combined DNA Vaccines Formulated in DDA Enhance Protective Immunity against Tuberculosis. , DNA AND CELL BIOLOGY , 2004 , 23 (7): 450-456

