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1985 - 1988 , 理学博士 , 北京大学生化系
1982 - 1985 , 理学硕士 , 中国农业大学生化系 ,
1977 - 1982 , 学习 , 农学系 , 黑龙江农垦大学 , 工农兵学员


2000 - 至今 , 教授 , 北京大学生命科学学院
1999 - 2000 , 负责人 , 国家人类基因组北方研究中心
1997 - 1999 , 主任,教授 , 中山大学分子医学研究中心
1989 - 1997 , 博士后,研究员 , 美国国立健康研究院(NIH)
1988 - 1989 , 客座研究人员 , 复旦大学遗传教研室


1. 2005 - 至今 , 常务理事 , 中国生化学会北京分会


分子生物学研究进展 , 讲课 , 北京大学 , 秋季学期
分子生物学 , 主持 , 北京大学 , 秋季学期
1 炎症及炎症相关疾病(心血管,癌症等)的发生发展机制.
2 基因工程及基于生物技术的疾病治疗方法研究.
3 炎症是机体的免疫反应。炎症失控和过度可以损伤机体甚至产生致死,同时炎症又和许多疾病的发生发展关系密切。我们的研究兴趣主要集中在先天免疫的信号通路是如何参与炎症调控的,这些信号通路是如何与炎症相关疾病发生关联的。哪些信号分子和基因可以作为药物靶点。研究和发现这些靶点以及作用这些靶点的内源分子是我们另一研究领域。同时我们在利用现代生物技术发展治疗方法上进行相关研究.
1. Ling T, Xie W, Luo M, Shen M, Zhu Q, Zong L, Zhou T, Gu J, Lu Z, Zhang F, Tao W , CHD4/NuRD maintains demethylation state of rDNA promoters through inhibiting the expression of the rDNA methyltransferase recruiter TIP5 , Biochem Biophys Res Commun , 2013 , 437(1):101-7
2. Luo M, Ling T, Xie W, Sun H, Zhou Y, Zhu Q, Shen M, Zong L, Lyu G, Zhao Y, Ye T, Gu J, Tao W, Lu Z, Grummt I , NuRD Blocks Reprogramming of Mouse Somatic Cells into Pluripotent Stem Cells , Stem Cells , 2013 , 31(7):1278-86
3. Zhou H, Yu M, Fukuda K, Im J, Yao P, Cui W, Bulek K, Zepp J, Wan Y, Whan Kim T, Yin W, Ma V, Thomas J, Gu J, Wang JA, Dicorleto PE, Fox PL, Qin J, Li X , IRAK-M mediates Toll-like receptor/IL-1R-induced NFκB activation and cytokine production , EMBO J , 2013 , 32(4):583-96
4. Zeng Y, Chen H, Shi X, Yin Z, Yang Z, Gu J, Blazer D , Health Consequences of Familial Longevity Influence Among the Chinese Elderly , J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci , 2013 , 68(4):473-82
5. Cui WY, Zhao S, Polanowska-Grabowska R, Wang J, Wei J, Dash B, Chang SL, Saucerman JJ, Gu J, Li MD , Identification and Characterization of Poly(I:C)-induced Molecular Responses Attenuated by Nicotine in Mouse Macrophages , Mol Pharmacol , 2013 , 83(1):61-72
6. Wei Cui, Nengming Xiao, Hui Xiao, Hao Zhou, Minjia Yu, Jun Gu* and Xiaoxia Li* , b-TrCP-Mediated IRAK1 Degradation Releases TAK1-TRAF6 from the Membrane to the Cytosol for TAK1-Dependent NF-kB Activation , Mol. Cell. Biol. , 2012 , 32(19):3990
7. Cui WY, Wang J, Wei J, Cao J, Chang SL, Gu J*, Li MD* , Modulation of innate immune-related pathways in nicotine-treated SH-SY5Y cells , Amino Acids , 2012 , 43(3):1157-69
8. Wang F, Xia W, Liu F, Li J, Wang G, Gu J , Interferon regulator factor 1/ Retinoic inducible gene I (IRF1/RIG-I) axis mediates 25-hydroxycholesterol-induced interleukin-8 production in atherosclerosis , Cardiovasc Res , 2012 , 93(1):190-9
9. Feng Liu, Su Wu, Hongwei Ren and Jun Gu , Klotho suppresses RIG-I mediated senescence-associated inflammation , Nature Cell Biology , 2011 , 13, 254–262
10. Zhiguo Sun, Hongwei Ren ,Yan Liu, Jessica L. Teeling and Jun Gu , Phosphorylation of RIG-I by casein kinase II inhibits its anti-viral response , J. Virology , 2011 , 85:1036-47
11. Chen H, Sun H, You F, Sun W, Zhou X, Chen L, Yang J, Wang Y, Tang H, Guan Y, Xia W, Gu J, Ishikawa H, Gutman D, Barber G, Qin Z, Jiang Z , Gutman D, Barber G, Qin Z, Jiang Z. Activation of STAT6 by STING is critical for antiviral innate immunity , Cell , 2011 , 147(2):436-46
12. Liu F, Gu J , Retinoic acid inducible gene-I, more than a virus sensor , Protein Cell , 2011 , 2(5):351-7. (review article)
13. Lijuan Xu, Nengming Xiao, Feng Liu, Hongwei Ren and Jun Gu , Inhibition of RIG-I/MDA5 dependent antiviral response by gC1qR at mitochondria , Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 2009 , 106:1530-5
14. Wang J, Wu S, Jin X, Li M, Chen S, Teeling JL, Perry VH, Gu J , Retinoic Acid-Inducible Gene-I Mediates Late Phase Induction of TNF-{alpha} by Lipopolysaccharide , J Immunol , 2008 , Jun 15;180(12):8011-9
15. Yufei Zou, Yahui Chen, Yongqiang Jiang Jin Gao and Jun Gu , Targeting Matrix Metalloproteinases and endothelial cells with a fusion peptide against tumor , Cancer Res , 2007 , 67:7295-7300
16. He J, Chen S. and Gu J , Identification and characterization of Harobin, a novel fibrino(geno)lytic serine protease from a sea snake (Lapemis hardwickii) , FEBS Lett , 2007 , 581(16):2965-73
17. Ziqiang Yang, Wei Cheng, Lixin Hong, Shengcai Lin, Jiahuai Han, Huamin Zhou and Jun Gu , Adenine nucleotide (ADP/ATP) translocase 3 participates in the tumor necrosis factor-induced apoptosis of MCF-7 cells , Molecular Biology of the Cell , 2007 , 18: 4681-89.
18. Jiang YQ, Wang HR, Li HP, Hao HJ, ZhangYL and Gu J , Targeting of hepatoma cell and suppression of tumor growth by a novel 12mer peptide fused to superantigen TSST-1 , J. Mol Med , 2006 , 12, 81-87
19. Wei JX, Sun ZG, Chen QL and Gu J. , Serum deprivation induced apoptosis in macrophage is mediated by autocrine secretion of type I IFNs , Apoptosis , 2006 , 11(4):545-54
20. Jing Fu, Ziqiang Yang,Jinxue Wei,Jiahuai Han and Jun Gu. , NP60 nuclear protein regulates p38 MAPK activity. , J Cell Sci. , 2006 , 119(Pt 1):115-23.
21. Fu WX, Wei JX and Gu J. , MEF2C mediates the activation induced cell death (AICD) of macrophage. , Cell Res. , 2006 , 16, 559-565
22. He JY, Deng J, Zheng J and Gu J , A synergistic effect on the production of S-adenosyl-l-methionine in Pichia pastoris by knocking in of S-adenosyl-l-methionine synthase and knocking out of cystathionine-beta synthase , J Biotechnol , 2006 , 126(4), 519-527.
23. Xue-Dong Wang, Jian-Guo Tang, Xiao-lei Xie, Ji-Chun Yang, Shuai Li, Jian-Guo Ji and Jun Gu , A comprehensive study of optimal conditions for naked plasmid DNA transfer into skeletal muscle by electroporation. , J Gene Med , 2005 , 7:1235-1245
24. Liu BN, Tang JG, Ji JG, and Gu J , The expression of functional human parathyroid homone in a gene therapy model for osteoporosis , Cell Tissue Res , 2004 , 317, 57-63
25. Kegang Shang, Xiaoke wang, and Jun Gu , Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cell to Astrocytes Visualized by Green Fluoresent Protein Fuchou Tang , Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology , 2002 , 22: 95-101
26. J.Sun, MT.LI, J.Han and J.Gu. , Sensitization of differentiated PC12 cells to apoptpsis by presenilin-2mediated by p38 , Biochem. Biophy. Res. Com. , 2001 , 287; 536-541, 2001
27. J.Gu et al.in International Human Genome Consortium , Initial sequencing and analysis of the human genome , Nature , 2001 , 409:860-921
28. W.Zhu, J.S.Downey, J.GU, F.D.Padova, H.Gram and J.Han , Regulation of TNF expression by multiple MAP kinase pathway , J. Immunology , 2000 , 164:6349-6358

