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邮  箱: luping (AT) pku.edu.cn

职  称:副教授




  • 个人简介
  • 科研领域
  • 代表性论文


1995-1997 博士后 北京医科大学药学院
1995 理学博士 武汉大学生命科学学院  


2001-至今,副教授 北京大学生命科学学院
2006-2008,Visiting Investigator 美国 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
2003-2004,Research Associate  美国 Albert Einstein College of Medicine
2002-2003,Research Fellow  美国 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center    
1997-2001,讲师 北京大学生命科学学院      


细胞生物学实验  北京大学  春季 1997-2001
动物细胞培养  北京大学  秋季 1997-2001,2005
协助唐孝威院士和翟中和院士培养博士生,具体训练他们的细胞生物学技术:杨宁 陈忠才(1999-2002)
李墨 胡劲松(2001)
陆月 陈早英 (2002)  

  做了两方面的工作:①非洲爪蟾去膜精子在植物胚珠提取物中实现非细胞体系核重建,植物烟草胚珠提取物用于非细胞体系核重建,为离体核重建研究提供了又一模式和实验体系;②动物爪蟾卵提取物诱导植物诸葛菜去膜精子实现非细胞体系核重建,动物膜泡在去凝集的植物染色质周围逐渐融合形成双层核膜,用细胞分级抽提整装电子显微镜技 术观察到重建核中有核骨架结构的形成。
1. Comenzo RL, Jhanwar SC, Nimer SD, Zhou P, Boruchov A, Lu P, Bonvini E, Hassoun H.(2009) CD32B Expression Reflects Intraclonal Functional Heterogeity in Multiple Myeloma. Clinical Lymphoma & Myeloma 9 (Suppl.1): 141
2. Cohen AD, Lu P, Gnjatic S, Hoffman J, Ritter E, Zhou P, et al.(2009) Prognostic significance of cancer-testis antigen expression and immunity in newly-diagnosed multiple myeloma. Lymphoma and Myeloma An International Congress on Hematologic Malignancies, New York, NY.
3. Zhou P, Teruya-Feldstein J, Lu P, Fleisher M, Olshen A and Comenzo RL.(2008) Calreticulin expression in the clonal plasma cells of patients with systemic light-chain (AL-) Amyloidosis is associated with response to high-dose melphalan. Blood 111: 549-557
4. Comenzo RL, Maurer M, Cohen A, Hassoun H, Zhou P, Lu P, Fleisher M, Lebovic D, Feldstein J, Steingart R and Nimer S D.(2007) Predictors of survival in de novo cardiac amyloidosis. Blood 110: 844A Meeting Abstract: 2870--49th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology - DEC 08-11, 2007 Atlanta, GA - Part 1
5. Lu P, Zheng H and Zhai ZH.(2006) In vitro reassembly of nuclear envelopes and organelles in Xenopus egg extracts. Cell Research 16: 632-640
6. Yang N, Chen ZC, Lu P, Zhang CM, Zhai ZH and Tang XW.(2003) The microtubule aster formation and its role in nuclear envelope assembly around the sperm chromatin in Xenopus egg extracts. Chinese Science Bulletin 48(18): 1912-1918
7. Lu P and Zhai ZH.(2001) Nuclear Assembly of Demembranated Xenopus Sperm in Plant Cell-free Extracts from Nicotiana Ovules. Exp Cell Res 270(1): 96-101
8. Lu P, Ren M and Zhai ZH.(2001) Nuclear reconstitution of plant demembranated sperm in cell-free extracts from frog eggs. J Struct Biol 136: 89-95

