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邮  箱: xiangjuntong (AT) pku.edu.cn

职  称:教授






  • 个人简介
  • 科研领域
  • 代表性论文
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1999 - 2002 , 博士后 , 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校医学院
1998 - 1999 , 博士后 , 日本东京大学医学部
1995 - 1998 , 理学博士 , 细胞生物学系 , 北京大学生命科学学院
1992 - 1995 , 理学硕士 , 细胞生物学系 , 北京大学生命科学学院
1988 - 1992 , 理学学士 , 细胞生物学专业 , 北京大学生物学系


2017年8月起   北京大学生命科学学院   教授,博士生导师,
2002 - 2017   北京大学生命科学学院   副教授
1998 - 2002   北京大学生命科学学院   讲师


1. 2006 - 2010 , 教育部基础生物科学教学指导委员会 秘书长
2. 2005 - 至今 , 全国中学生生物竞赛委员会委员  


北京大学教学优秀奖, 2012
北京大学教学演示竞赛一等奖 , 2012
北京大学教学优秀奖 , 2010
首都教育先锋——教学创新先进个人 , 2009
教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”入选者 , 2008
第十届霍英东青年教师奖(研究类三等奖) , 2006
北京大学“东宝”奖教金 , 2005
北京大学教学优秀奖 , 2003


遗传学 , 讲课 , 北京大学 , 春季学期
普通生物学A , 讲课 , 北京大学 , 全年
1. Tong X*#, Zu Y*, Li Z*, Li W, Ying L, Yang J, Wang X, He S, Liu D, Zhu Z, Chen J, Lin S, Zhang B. , Kctd10 regulates heart morphogenesis by repressing the transcriptional activity of Tbx5a in zebrafish. , Nat. Commun. , 2014 , 5:3153. doi: 10.1038/ncomms4153.,*共同第一作者;#通讯作者
2. Xia Z, Tong X, Liang F, Zhang Y, Kuok C, Zhang Y, Liu X, Zhu Z, Lin S, Zhang B. , Eif3ba regulates cranial neural crest development by modulating p53 in zebrafish. , Dev Biol. , 2013 , 381(1):83-96
3. Xiao A, Wang Z, Hu Y, Wu Y, Luo Z, Yang Z, Zu Y, Li W, Huang P, Tong X, Zhu Z, Lin S, Zhang B. , Chromosomal deletions and inversions mediated by TALENs and CRISPR/Cas in zebrafish. , Nucleic Acids Res. , 2013 , 1;41(14):e141
4. Zu Y*, Tong X*, Wang Z, Liu D, Pan R, Li Z, Hu Y, Luo Z, Huang P, Wu Q, Zhu Z, Zhang B, Lin S. , TALEN mediated precise genome modification by homologous recombination in zebrafish. , Nat. Methods , 2013 , 10(4):329-31,*共同第一作者 (封面文章并配发评论)
5. Tong X*, Xia Z*, Zu Y, Telfer H, Hu J, Yu J, Liu H, Zhang Q, Sodmergen, Lin S, Zhang B. , ngs (Notochord Granular Surface) Gene Encodes a Novel Type of Intermediate Filament Family Protein Essential for Notochord Maintenance in Zebrafish. , J Biol Chem. , 2013 , 288(4):2711-20
6. Ji XD, Li G, Feng YX, Zhao JS, Li JJ, Sun ZJ, Shi S, Deng YZ, Xu JF, Zhu YQ, Koeffler HP, Tong XJ, Xie D. , EphB3 is overexpressed in non-small-cell lung cancer and promotes tumor metastasis by enhancing cell survival and migration. , Cancer Res. , 2011 , 71(3):1156-66
7. Sun ZJ, Wang Y, Cai Z, Chen PP, Tong XJ, Xie D. , Involvement of Cyr61 in growth, migration and metastasis of prostate cancer cells. , Br J Cancer. , 2008 , 99(10):1656-67
8. Wang Y, Liu D, Chen P, Koeffler HP, Tong X, Xie D. , Negative feedback regulation of IFN-gamma pathway by IFN regulatory factor 2 in esophageal cancers. , Cancer Res. , 2008 , 68(4):1136-43
9. Wang Y, Liu D, Chen PP, Koeffler HP, Tong X, and Xie D , Involvements of IFN Regulatory Factor-1 and IFN Regulatory Factor-2 in the Formation and Progression of Human Esophageal Cancers. , Cancer Res , 2007 , 67: (6):2535-43.
10. Deng YZ, Chen PP, Wang Y, Yin D, Koeffler HP, Li B, Tong XJ, Xie D. , Connective tissue growth factor is overexpressed in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and promotes tumorigenicity through beta-catenin-T-cell factor/Lef signaling. , J Biol Chem. , 2007 , 282(50):36571-81.
11. Kawabata H, Tong X, Kawanami T, Wano Y, Hirose Y, Sugai S, Koeffler HP. , Analyses for binding of the transferrin family of proteins to the transferrin receptor 2. , Br J Haematol. , 2004 , 127(4):464-73
12. Kumagai T, Ikezoe T, Gui D, O`Kelly J, Tong XJ, Cohen FJ, Said JW, Koeffler HP. , RWJ-241947 (MCC-555), a unique peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma ligand with antitumor activity against human prostate cancer in vitro and in beige/nude/ X-linked immunodeficient mice and enhancement of apoptosis in myeloma cells induced by , Clin Cancer Res. , 2004 , 10(4):1508-20
13. Tong X, O`Kelly J, Xie D, Mori A, Lemp N, McKenna R, Miller CW, Koeffler HP , Cyr61 suppresses the growth of non-small-cell lung cancer cells via the beta-catenin-c-myc-p53 pathway , Oncogene , 2004 , 23(28):4847-55
14. Xie D, Yin D, Tong X, O`Kelly J, Mori A, Miller C, Black K, Gui D, Said JW, Koeffler HP , Cyr61 is overexpressed in gliomas and involved in integrin-linked kinase-mediated Akt and beta-catenin-TCF/Lef signaling pathways , Cancer Res. , 2004 , 64(6):1987-96
15. Tong X, Xie D, Roth W, Reed J, Koeffler HP , NADE (p75NTR-associated cell death executor) suppresses cellular growth in vivo , Int J Oncol. , 2003 , 22(6): 1357-62
16. Hoffman WK, Tong XJ, Ajioka RS, Kushner JP, Koeffler HP , Mutation analysis of transferrin-receptor 2 in patients with atypical hemochromatosis , Blood , 2002 , 100 (3): 1099-100
17. Tong X, Kawabata H, Koeffler HP. , Iron deficiency can upregulate expression of transferrin receptor at both the mRNA and protein level , Br J Haematol. , 2002 , 116(2):458-64
18. Tong X, Xie D, O`Kelly J, Miller CW, Muller-Tidow C, Koeffler HP. , Cyr61, a member of CCN family, is a tumor suppressor in non-small cell lung cancer. , J Biol Chem. , 2001 , 276(50):47709-14
19. Kawabata H, Germain RS, Ikezoe T, Tong X, Green EM, Gombart AF, Koeffler HP , Regulation of expression of murine transferrin receptor 2 , Blood , 2001 , 98(6):1949-54
以斑马鱼(Danio rerio)为模式动物,开发并完善以CRISPR/Cas为基础的基因组编辑技术,结合单细胞测序等技术,研究心血管、胰腺等组织器官发育与再生的遗传基础及其基因表达调控机制,建立人类疾病的斑马鱼模型并进行发病机制研究。

