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邮  箱: jiangzf (AT) pku.edu.cn

职  称:教授






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1987-1994年在兰州大学生物系学习,分获学士及硕士学位,1997年于北京大学获博士学位,1999年-2006年分别在美国克利夫兰医学中心及Scripps研究所从事博士后研究,现为北京大学特聘教授、北京大学长聘教授、北大-清华生命科学联合中心高级研究员,国家“973计划”项目首席科学家。 从事感染-免疫-肿瘤及其细胞信号转导研究,近年来以通讯作者在Cell、Immunity(4篇)、Nature Immunology、Nature Cell Biology、Cell Research(3篇)、CMI(2篇)、Molecular Cell 和 PNAS(2篇)等期刊上发表多篇论文。曾获“国家杰出青年科学基金”和 “谈家桢生命科学创新奖”,2014年获全国百篇优秀博士学位论文指导老师奖。 作为项目负责人主持了国家自然科学基金委的杰出青年基金、重点项目、重大研究计划及科技部“973”项目。


1994 - 1998, 理学博士, 细胞生物学, 北京大学
1991 - 1994, 理学硕士, 细胞生物学, 兰州大学
1987 - 1991, 理学学士, 细胞生物学, 兰州大学


2006-2011, “百人计划”研究员, 北京大学生命科学学院
2003-2006, Research associate (博士后), The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA, USA
1999-2003, Research associate (博士后), The Lerner Research Institute, CCF, Cleveland, Ohio, USA
1997-1999, 博士后, 北京大学生命科学学院


1. 2010-至今, 国家自然科学基金委专家组成员, 国家自然科学基金委
2. 2010-2017, 国家自然科学基金委重大研究计划专家组成员, 国家自然科学基金委






1. 2010-至今, 国家自然科学基金委专家组成员, 国家自然科学基金委 2. 2010-2017, 国家自然科学基金委重大研究计划专家组成员, 国家自然科学基金委


特邀综述 1. Fang R. Jiang Q. Yu X. Zhao Z. and Jiang Z*. 2022, Recent advances in the activation and regulation of the cGAS-STING pathway. Advances in Immunology 156: 56-102. 2. Yu X. Zhao Z. and Jiang Z*. 2022, Recent progress on the activation of the cGAS–STING pathway and its regulation by biomolecular condensation. J. Mol. Cell Biol. 14(6), mjac042. 3. Wang C. Zhang R. Wei X. Lv M. and Jiang Z*. 2020, Metalloimmunology: The metal ion-controlled immunity. Advances in Immunology (ed. Dong C. and Jiang Z.) 145: 188-241. 4. Chen H, Ning X, Jiang Z*. 2017, Caspases control antiviral innate immunity. Cellular & Molecular Immunology 14: 736-747. 5. Gao J, Tao J, Liang W, Jiang Z*. 2016, Cyclic (di)nucleotides: the common language shared by Microbe and Host. Current Opinion in Microbiology 30: 79–87. 6. Tao J, Zhou X, Jiang Z*. 2016, cGAS-cGAMP-STING: The three musketeers of cytosolic DNA sensing and signaling. IUBMB Life 68: 858-870. 7. Chen H. and Jiang Z*. 2013, The essential adaptors of innate immune signaling. Protein & Cell 4: 27–39. 8. Beutler B, Jiang Z, Georgel P, Crozat K, Croker B, Rutschmann S, Du X and Hoebe K, 2006, Genetic Analysis of Host Resistance: Toll-like Receptor Signaling and Immunity at Large. Annual Review of Immunology 24: 353-389. 9. Hoebe K. Jiang Z, George P, Tabeta K, Janssen E, Du X, and Beutler B. 2006, TLR signaling pathways: opportunities for activation and blockade in pursuit of therapy. Current Pharmaceutical Design 12: 4123-4134. 10. Hoebe K, Jiang Z, Tabeta K, Du X, Georgel P, Crozat K, Beutler B. 2006, Genetic analysis of innate immunity. Adv Immunol. 91: 175-226. 11. Beutler B, Georgel P, Rutschmann S, Jiang Z, Croker B, Crozat K. 2005, Genetic analysis of innate resistance to mouse cytomegalovirus (MCMV). Brief Funct Genomic Proteomic 4: 203-213.





1. Fang R, Jiang Q, Jia X, and Jiang Z*. 2023, ARMH3-mediated recruitment of PI4KB directs Golgi-to-endosome trafficking and activation of the antiviral effector STING. Immunity 56: 500-515.
2. Fang R, Jiang Q, Guan Y, Gao P, Zhang R, Zhao Z, and Jiang Z*. 2021, Golgi-synthesized sulfated glycosaminoglycans mediate polymerization and activation of the cGAMP sensor STING. Immunity, 54: 962–975.
3. Yu X, Zhang L, Shen J, Zhai Y, Jiang Q, Yi M, Deng X, Ruan Z, Fang R, Chen Z, Ning X, Jiang Z*. 2021, The STING Phase-separator Suppresses Innate Immune Signaling. Nature Cell Biology, 23: 330-340.
4. Zhu L, Xi L, Wang C, Li C, Li M, Liu Q, Wang X, Yang W, Pan D, Hu L, Yang Y, Lu Z, Wang Y, Zhou D*, Jiang Z*, Shen X*. 2021, T6SS translocates a micropeptide to suppress STING-mediated innate immunity by sequestering manganese. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 118 (42): e2103526118.
5. Zhang R, Wang C, Guan Y, Wei X, Sha M, Jing M, Lv M, Guo W, Xu J, Wan Y, Jia X, Jiang Z*. 2021, Manganese salts function as potent adjuvants. Cellular & Molecular Immunology, 18: 1222–1234.
6. Yang J, Zhou X, Zhang R, Sun H, You F, Jiang Z*. 2021, Differences in IFNβ secretion upon Rab1 inactivation in cells exposed to distinct innate immune stimuli. Cellular & Molecular Immunology. 18: 1590–1592.
7. Lv M. Chen M, Zhang R, Zhang W, Wang C, Zhang Y, Wei X, Guan Y, Liu J, Feng K, Jing M, Wang X, Liu Y, Mei Q*, Han W*, Jiang Z*. 2020, Manganese is critical for antitumor immune responses via cGAS-STING and improves the efficacy of clinical immunotherapy. Cell Research, 30: 966–979.
8. Ning X, Wang Y, Jing M, Sha M, Lv M, Gao P, Zhang R, Huang X, Feng J, Jiang Z*. 2019, Apoptotic Caspases Suppress Type I Interferon Production via the Cleavage of cGAS, MAVS and IRF3. Molecular Cell, 74: 1-13.
9. Wang C, Guan Y, Lv M, Zhang R, Guo Z, Wei X, Du X, Yang J, Li T, Wan Y, Su X, Huang X, Jiang Z*. 2018, Manganese Increases the Sensitivity of the cGAS-STING Pathway for Double-stranded DNA and Is Required for the Host Defense against DNA Viruses. Immunity, 48: 675-687.
10. Wang Y, Ning X, Gao P, Wu S, Sha M, Lv M, Zhou X, Gao J, Fang R, Meng G, Su X, Jiang Z*. 2017, Inflammasome activation triggers caspases-mediated cleavage of cGAS to regulate responses to DNA virus infection. Immunity, 46: 393-404.
11. Chen H, Sun H, You F, Sun W, Zhou X, Chen L, Yang J, Wang Y, Tang H, Guan Y, Xia W, Gu J, Ishikawa H, Gutman D, Barber G, Qin Z, Jiang Z*. 2011, Activation of STAT6 by STING is Critical for Antiviral Innate Immunity. Cell, 147: 436-446.
12. You FP, Sun H, Zhou X, Sun WX, Liang SM, Zhai ZH & Jiang Z*. 2009, PCBP2 mediates degradation of the adaptor MAVS via the HECT ubiquitin ligase AIP4. Nature Immunology, 10: 1300-1308.
13. Sun W, Li Y, Chen L, Chen H, You F, Zhou X, Zhou Y, Zhai Z, Chen D, Jiang Z*. 2009, ERIS, an ER IFN stimulator, activates innate immune signaling through dimerization. PNAS, 106: 8653-8.
14. Gao J, Tao J, Liang W, Zhao M, Du X, Cui S, Duan H, Kan B, Su X, Jiang Z*. 2015, Identification and characterization of phosphodiesterase V-cGAPs that specifically degrade 3`3`-cyclic GMP-AMP. Cell Research, 25: 539-550.
15. Fang R, Jiang Q, Zhou X, Wang C, Guan Y, Tao J, Xi J, Feng J, Jiang Z*. 2017, MAVS activates TBK1 and IKKb through TRAFs in NEMO dependent and independent manner. PLoS Pathogens, 13(11): e1006720.
16. Fang R, Lin Y, Zhou X, Wang C, Guan Y, Tao J, Xi J, Feng J, Jiang Z*. 2017, NEMO-IKKβ Are Essential for IRF3 and NF-κB Activation in the cGAS-STING Pathway. J Immunology, 199: 3222-3233.
17. Tao J, Zhang X, Jin J, Du X, Lian T, Yang J, Zhou X, Jiang Z*, Su X*, 2017, Non-specific DNA binding by N-terminal domain promotes activation of human cyclic GMP-AMP synthase. J Immunology, 198: 3627-3636.
18. Gao J, Tao J, Liang W, Jiang Z*. 2016, Cyclic (di)nucleotides: the common language shared by Microbe and Host. Current Opinion in Microbiology, 30: 79–87.
19. Huang YH, Liu XY, Du XX, Jiang Z, Su XD*. 2012, The structural basis for the sensing and binding of cyclic di-GMP by STING. Nat Struct Mol Biol., 19: 728-30.
20. Zhou X, You F, Chen H, Jiang Z*. 2012, Poly(C)-binding protein 1 mediates house-keeping degradation of mitochondrial antiviral signaling (MAVS). Cell Research, 22: 717-727.
21. Xiao H, Qian W, Staschke K, Qian Y, Cui G, Deng L, Ehsani M, Wang X, Qian YW, Chen ZJ, Gilmour R, Jiang Z*, Li X*. 2008, Pellino 3b negatively regulates interleukin-1-induced TAK1-dependent NF kB activation. J Biol Chem., 283: 14654-64.
22. Jiang Z, Georgel P, Li C, Choe J, Crozat K, Rutschmann S, Du X, Bigby T, Mudd S, Sovath S, Wilson I A, Olson A, Beutler B. 2006, Details of Toll-like receptor:adapter interaction revealed by germ-line mutagenesis. PNAS, 103: 10961-66.
23. Jiang Z, Georgel P, Du X, Shamel L, Sovath S, Mudd S, Huber M, Kalis C, Keck S, Galanos C, Freudenberg M, Beutler B. 2005, CD14 is required for MyD88-independent LPS signaling. Nature Immunology, 6: 565-70.
24. Jiang Z, Mak TW, Sen G, Li X. 2004, Toll-like receptor 3-mediated activation of NF-kappaB and IRF3 diverges at Toll-IL-1 receptor domain-containing adapter inducing IFN-beta. PNAS, 101: 3533-8.
25. Jiang Z, Zamanian-Daryoush M, Nie H, Silva AM, Williams BR, Li X. 2003 Poly (I-C)-induced TLR3-mediated activation of NFkappa B and MAP kinase is through an IRAK-independent pathway employing the signaling components TLR3-TRAF6-TAK1-TAB2-PKR. J Biol Chem., 278: 16713-9.
26. Jiang Z, Johnson HJ, Nie H, Qin J, Bird TA, Li X. 2003, Pellino 1 is required for interleukin-1 (IL-1)-mediated signaling through its interaction with the IRAK4-IRAK-TRAF6 complex. J Biol Chem., 278: 10952-6.
27. Jiang Z, Ninomiya-Tsuji J, Qian Y, Matsumoto K, Li X. 2002, Interleukin-1 (IL-1) receptor-associated kinase-dependent IL-1-induced signaling complexes phosphorylate TAK1 and TAB2 at the plasma membrane and activate TAK1 in the cytosol. Mol Cell Biol., 22: 7158-67.
28. Beutler B, Jiang Z, Georgel P, Crozat K, Croker B, Rutschmann S, Du X and Hoebe K, 2006, Genetic Analysis of Host Resistance: Toll-like Receptor Signaling and Immunity at Large. Annual Review of Immunology, 24: 353-89.


识别细胞内DNAcGAS-STING通路对抗感染和抗肿瘤的免疫监视及治疗至关重要。蒋争凡实验室是发现STING蛋白重要功能的三个实验室之一(命名为ERISPNAS, 2009及其二聚化(寡聚化)的重要作用,并对其进行了深入系统的研究:发现转录因子NFkBSTAT6对该通路介导的免疫反应非常重要(JI, 2017aCell, 2011);硫酸化糖胺聚糖是STING活化必需的第二类配体及其高尔基体转运的原因(Immunity, 2021);ARMH3-PI4KB合成的PI4P驱动STING的内体转运并维持活化(Immunity, 2023);STING通过形成相分离器调节天然免疫(Nature Cell Biology, 2021);Caspases负调控天然免疫反应,包括炎症小体活化的CaspasesImmunity, 2017JI, 2017b)及凋亡活化的CaspasesMolecular Cell, 2019),避免过度免疫反应并保证细胞凋亡免疫沉默;锰离子对于机体抗感染重要(Immunity, 2018PNAS, 2021),Mn2+是细胞内cGAS的第二个激活剂,以独特方式激活cGASCell Reports, 2020),以此为基础发明了可激活细胞免疫、体液免疫和黏膜免疫的锰佐剂(CMI, 2021)及增强肿瘤免疫治疗的锰免疗法Cell Research, 2020);发现3`3`-cGAMP特异性磷酸二酯酶(Cell Research, 2015)。此外,发现PCBPs-AIP4介导的蛋白质降解途径负调控天然免疫关键分子MAVS降低或避免RNA病毒感染引发的过度反应(Nature Immunology, 2009; Cell Research, 2012)以及NEMO-IKKα/β对于RIG-I-MAVS通路中激活TBK1/IKKε至关重要(PLoS Pathogens, 2017)。


