吴虹教授长期致力于肿瘤分子遗传学的研究,重点探讨抑癌基因在肿瘤发生、发展及耐药中的分子机制。她所领导的团队在抑癌基因信号传递、肿瘤干细胞及基因工程动物模型等研究方面做了大量的杰出工作,其研究成果对于发现肿瘤发生的分子机制以及肿瘤治疗的新途径有重大的理论及实际意义。截至2025年2月,吴虹教授发表SCI收录科学论文170余篇,引用四万余次。基于她在肿瘤分子遗传学领域的重大贡献及卓越成就,曾获得皮尤学者(Pew Scholar)、霍华德休斯助理研究员(HHMI Assistant Investigator)等多项奖励和荣誉,并于2010年当选为美国科学促进会会士(Fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science),2016年当选为欧洲分子生物学组织(European Molecular Biology Organization, EMBO)外籍院士。2013年吴虹教授入选国家级人才计划并于同年全职回国任北京大学生命科学学院讲席教授、北京大学生命科学学院院长,同时任北京大学-清华大学生命科学联合中心研究员。
1984 - 1991 , 博士 , 哈佛医学院
1978 - 1983 , 学士 , 北京医学院
2013- 至 今,北京大学讲席教授,北大-清华生命科学联合中心资深研究员
2013 - 2023 , 院长 , 北京大学生命科学学院
2011 - 2013 , 主任 , 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校分子医学研究所
2009 - 至今 , David Geffen Chair in Medical Research , 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校
2008 - 2011 , 副主任 正式成员 , 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校分子医学研究所
1997 - 2004 , 助理研究员 , 霍华德-休斯医学研究所
1996 - 2013 , 助理教授、副教授、教授 , 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校分子与医学药理学系
1991 - 1996 , 博士后 , 麻省理工学院Whitehead研究所荣誉奖励:
癌症:从机理到治疗 吴虹课题组研究重点是结合肿瘤分子遗传学,基因组学,生物信息学及肿瘤模型,揭示癌症发生、发展及耐药的机制,寻找更有效的癌症靶向治疗、免疫治疗方法。主要的研究方向包括:
1. PTEN调控干细胞和肿瘤干细胞的分子遗传机制;
2. 癌细胞与肿瘤微环境的互作网络绘制;
3. 天然免疫及细胞坏死在前列腺癌进展中的作用机制;
4. 肿瘤发生过程中的代谢重编程。
1. Wang, X., Zhang, L.,Guo, F., Yao N., Wu Z., He L., Xu D., Zhu H., Gong Z., Xie W., Wang Y., Zhang L., Zhou X., Tang C., Mu R., Wu H* and Lei X. (2025) Small-molecule inhibitors of transcription factor PU.1 for the treatment of acute T cell lymphoblastic leukemia and organ fibrosis. CCS Chemistry (in press).
2. Chen T, Xie S, Cheng J, Zhao Q, Wu H*, Jiang P*, Du W*. (2024) AKT1 phosphorylation of cytoplasmic ME2 induces a metabolic switch to glycolysis for tumorigenesis. Nat Commun. Jan 23;15(1):686.
3. Xu Z., He L., Wu Y., Yang L., Li C.and Wu H. (2023) PTEN regulates hematopoietic lineage plasticity via PU.1-dependent chromatin accessibility. Cell Rep. 42(8):112967.
4. Qi Y., Ding L., Zhang S., Yao S., Ong J., Li Y., Wu H. and Du P (2022) A plant immune protein enobles broad antitumor response by rescuing microRNA deficiency. Cell, 185: 1888-1904.
5. Qi Z., Xu Z., Zhang L., Zou Y., Li J., Yan W., Li C., Liu N. and Wu H. (2022) Overcoming resistance to immune checkpoint therapy in PTEN-null prostate cancer by intermittent anti-PI3K treatment. Nature Commun PMID:35013322.
6. Xue Y., Yang Y., Tian T., Quan, H., Liu S., Zhang L., Yang L., Zhu H., Wu H. and Gao Y. (2022). Computational characterization of domain-segregated 3D chromatin structure and segmented DNA methylation status in carcinogenesis. Mol Oncol. 16:699-716.
7. Zhu H., Dong B., Zhang Y., Wang M., Wang J., Cui B., Liu Y., Jiang Q., Wang W., Yang L., Yu A., Li Z., Liu C., Zhang L., Huang X., Zhu X. and Wu, H. (2022) Integrated genome analyses identify high-risk factors and actionable targets in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Blood Sci. 4:16-28.
8. Yang L., Chen F., Zhu H., Chen Y., Dong, B., Shi M., Wang W., Jing Q., Zhang L., Huang, X., Zhang, Q. and Wu, H. (2021) 3D genome alterations associated with dysregulated HOXA13 expression in high-risk T-lineage acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Nature Commun. PMID:34140506.
9. Cheng J., Huang Y, Zhang X., Yu Y., Wu S., Jiao J., Tran L., Zhang W., Liu R., Zhang L., Wang MY., Wang M., Yan W., Wu Y., Chi F., Jiang P., Zhang X. and Wu H. (2020) TRIM21 and PHLDA3 negatively regulate the crosstalk between the PI3K/AKT pathway and PPP metabolism. Nature Commun. 1191):1880 PMID:32312982.
10. Wu YL., Zhu HC. and Wu H. (2020) PTEN in regulating hematopoiesis and leukenogenesis. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med. 10:a036244.
11. Zhu HC., Zhang LZ., Wu YL., Dong B., Guo W., Wang M., Yang L., Fan X., Tang Y., Liu NS., Lei X. and Wu H. (2018) T-ALL leukemia stem cell “stemness” is epigenetically controlled by the master regulator SPI1. Elife 7:eLife38314 PMID:30412053 (Free PMC article)
12. Zou YK., Qi, Z., Guo, WL., Zhang, LZ., Ruscetti, M., Shenoy, T., Liu NS. and Wu, H. (2018) Cotargeting the cell-intrinsic and microenvironment pathways of prostate cancer by PI3Ka/b/d inhibitor BAY1082439. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics 17:2091-2099 (Highlighted by Mol. Cancer Thera 2018).
13. Shenoy TR, Boysen G, Wang MY, Xu QZ, Guo W, Koh FM, Wang C, Zhang LZ, Wang Y, Gil V, Aziz S, Christova R, Rodrigues DN, Crespo M, Rescigno P, Tunariu N, Riisnaes R, Zafeiriou Z, Flohr P, Yuan W, Knight E, Swain A, Ramalho-Santos M, Xu DY, de Bono J, Wu H. (2017) CHD1 loss sensitizes prostate cancer to DNA damaging therapy by promoting error-prone double-strand break repair. Ann Oncol. 28:1495-1507(Highlighted by Ann Oncol 2017)
14. Graham NA, Minasyan A, Lomova A, Cass A, Balanis NG, Friedman M, Chan S, Zhao S, Delgado A, Go J, Beck L, Hurtz C, Ng C, Qiao R, Ten Hoeve J, Palaskas N, Wu H, Müschen M, Multani AS, Port E, Larson SM, Schultz N, Braas D, Christofk HR, Mellinghoff IK, Graeber TG (2017) Recurrent patterns of DNA copy number alterations in tumors reflect metabolic selection pressures. Mol Syst Biol 13:914 PMID:28202506
15. Shojaee S, Chan LN, Buchner M, Cazzaniga V, Cosgun KN, Geng H, Qiu YH, von Minden MD, Ernst T, Hochhaus A, Cazzaniga G, Melnick A, Kornblau SM, Graeber TG, Wu H, Jumaa H, Müschen M. (2016) PTEN opposes negative selection and enables oncogenic transformation of pre-B cells. Nat Med 22:379087. PMID: 26974310
16. Guo, W.L., Zhang, M. and Wu, H. (2016) Mammalian non-CG methylations are conserved and cell-type specific and may have been involved in the evolution of transposon elements. Sci Rep 6.32207 PMCID:PMC5004121
17. Schubbert S., Jiao, J., Ruscetti, M., Nakashima, J., Wu, S., Lei, H., Xu, Q., Yi, W., Zhu, H., Wu, H. (2015) Methods for PTEN in Stem Cells and Cancer Stem Cells. In PTEN: Methods and Protocols (ed. L. Salmena and V. Stambolic), pp233-285. Springer New York Heidelberg Dordrecht London. PMID:27033080
18. Ruscetti, M., Dadashian, E.L., Guo, W., Quach, B., Mulholland D.J., Park J.W., Tran, L.M., Kobayashi, N., Bianchi-Frias, D., Nelson, P.S., Xing, Y. and Wu, H. (2015) HDAC Inhibition Impedes Epithelial-Mesenchymal Plasticity and Suppresses Metastatic, Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer. Oncogene 35(29):3781-95 PMID:26640144
19. Shnitsar, I., Bashkurov, M., Masson, G.R., Ogunjimi, A.A., Mosessian, S., Cabeza, E.A., Hirsch, C.L., Trcka, D., Gish, G., Jiao, J., Wu, H., Winklbauer, R., Williams, R.L., Pelletier, L., Wrana, J.L. and Barrios-Rodiles, M. (2015) PTEN regulates cilia through Dishevelled. Nat Commun. 6:8388. PMID: 26399523
20. Bianchi-Frias, D.,Hernandez, S.A.,Coleman, R., Wu, H., Nelson, P.S.(2015) The landscape of somatic chromosomal copy number aberrations in GEM models of prostate carcinoma. Mol Cancer Res. 13(2):339-47. PMID: 25298407
21. Ruscetti, M., Quach, B., Dadashian, E.L., Mulholland, D.J. and Wu, H. (2015) Tracking and functional characterization of EMT and mesenchymal-like tumor cells in prostate cancer metastasis. Cancer Res. 75:2749-59. PMCID:PMC4490048.
22. Lazovic J, Guo L, Nakashima J, Mirsadraei L, Yong W, Kim HJ, Ellingson B,Wu H, Pope WB. (2015) Nitroxoline Induces Apoptosis ans Slows Glioma Growth in vivo. Neuro Oncol. 17:53-62 PMID:25074541
23. Schubbert S, Cardenas A, Chen H, Garcia C, Guo W, Bradner JE, Wu H. Targeting the MYC and PI3K pathways eliminates leukemia-initiating cells in T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. (2014) Cancer Res 74:7048-59. PMCID:PMC4258248
24. Shurell, E., Tran, L.M., Nakashima, J., Smith, K.B., Tam, B.M., Li, Y., Dry, S.M., Federman, N., Tap, W., Wu H*., Eilber,F.C. (2014) Gender dimorphism and age of onset in malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor preclinical models and human patients. BMC Cancer 14:827 PMCID:PMC4237782
25. Hsia HE, Kumar R, Luca R, Takeda M, Courchet J, Nakashima J, Wu S, Goebbels S, An W, Eickholt BJ, Polleux F, Rotin D, Wu H, Rossner MJ, Bagni C, Rhee JS, Brose N, Kawabe H. (2014) Ubiquitin E3 Ligase Nedd4-1 Acts as a Downstream Target of PI3K/PTEN-mTORC1 Signaling to Promote Neurite growth. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 111:13205-10. PMCID:PMC4246980
26. Pulido R, Baker SJ, Barata JT, Carracedo A, Cid VJ, Chin-Sang ID, Davé V, den Hertog J, Devreotes P, Eickholt BJ, Eng C, Furnari FB, Georgescu MM, Gericke A, Hopkins B, Jiang X, Lee SR, Lösche M, Malaney P, Matias-Guiu X, Molina M, Pandolfi PP, Parsons R, Pinton P, Rivas C, Rocha RM, Rodríguez MS, Ross AH, Serrano M, Stambolic V, Stiles B, Suzuki A, Tan SS, Tonks NK, Trotman LC, Wolff N, Woscholski R, Wu H, Leslie NR. (2014) A Uniform Nomenclature and Amino Acid Numbering for Human PTEN. Science Signal. 7: pe15 PMCID:PMC4367864
27. Garcia, A.J., Ruscetti, M., Arenzana, T.L., Tran, L.M., Frias D.B., Sybert, E., Priceman, S.J., Wu, L., Nelson, P., Smale, S and Wu, H. (2014) Pten null prostate epithelium promotes localized MDSC expansion and immune suppression during tumor initiation and progression. Mol Cell Biol. 34:2017-2028. PMCID:PMC4019050
28. Tesio, M., Oser, G., Baccelli, I., Blanco-Bose, W., Wu, H., Gothert, J., Kogan, S. and Trumpp, A. (2014) Pten Loss in the Bone Marrow Leads to G-CSF-Medicated HSC Mobilization. J. Exp. Medicine 210:2337-2349. PMCID:PMC3804947
29. Wang, L., Teng, R., Di, L., Roger, H., Wu, H., Kopp, J.B., and Noguchi, C.T. (2013) PPARa and Sirt1 Mediate Erythopoietin Action in Increasing Metabolic Activity and Browning of White Adipocytes to Protect Against obesity and Metabolic Disorders. Diabetes 62:4122-31.PMCID: PMC3837041
30. Ruscetti, M. and Wu, H. (2013) PTEN in Prostate Cancer. In Prostate Cancer: Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Genetics. (ed. D. J. Tindall), pp87-137. Springer New York Heidelberg Dordrecht London
31. Mulholland, D. and Wu, H. (2013) Genetic and Signaling Pathway Regulations of Tumor-initiating Cells of the Prostate. In Stem Cells and Prostate Cancer (ed. S.D. Cramer), pp77-89. Springer New York Heidelberg Dordrecht London
32. Farrell, J., Toste, P., Wu, N., Li, L.,Wong, J., Malkhassian, D., Tran, L., Wu, X., Li X., Dawson, D., Wu, H. and Donahue, T. (2013) Endoscopically Acquired Pancreatic Cyst Fluid MicroRNA 21 and 221 are Associated with Invasive Cancer. American Journal of Gastroenterology 108(8) 1352-1359.
33. Smith, K.B., Tran, L.M., Tam, B., Shurell, E.M., Li, Y., Braas, D., Tap, W.D., Christofk, H.R., Dry, S.M., Eiber, F.C., and Wu, H. (2013) Novel dedifferentiated liposarcoma xenograft models reveal PTEN down regulation as a malignant Signature and Response to PI3K Pathway Inhibition American Journal of Pathology 182(4):1400-11. PMCID: PMC3620414.
34. Braas, D., Ahler, E., Tam, B., Nathanson, D., Riedinger, M., Benz, M.R., Smith, K.B., Eilber, F.C., Witte, O.N., Tap, W.D., Wu, H. and Christofk, H.R (2012) Metabolomics Strategy Reveals Subpopulation of Liposarcomas Sensitive to Gemcitabine Treatment. Cancer Discovery 2(12):1109-1117. PMCID: PMC3531869.
35. Kim, T.H., Song, J., Alcantara Liaguno, S.R., Murnan, E., Liyanarachchi, S., Palanichamy, K., Yi, J.Y., Viapiano, M.S., Nakano, I., Yoon, S.O., Wu, H., Parada, L.F., and Kwon, C.H. (2012) Suppression of Peroxiredoxin 4 in Glioblastoma Cells Increases Apoptosis and Reduces Tumor Growth. PLoS One 7(8): e42818. PMCID: PMC3419743.
36. Di Vizio, D., Morello, M., Dudley, A., Chow, P., Adam, R., Morley, S., Mulholland, D., Rotinen, M., Hager, M., Insabato, L., Moses, M., Demichelis, F., Lisanti, M., Wu, H., Klagsbrun, M., Bhowmick, N., Rubin, M., D’Souzas, C., and Freeman, M. (2012) Large Oncosomes in Human Prostate Cancer Tissues and in the Circulation of Mice with Metastatic Disease. Am J Pathol. 181(5): 1573-84. PMCID: PMC3483805.
37. Jiao, J., Hindoyan, A., Wang, S., Tran, L., Goldstein, A., Lawson, D., Chen, D., Li, Y., Guo, C, Zhang, B., Fazli, L., Gleave, M., Witte, O., Garraway, I. , and Wu, H. (2012) Identification of CD166 as a Surface Marker for Enriching Prostate Stem/Progenitor and Cancer Initiating Cells. PLoS One 7(8):e42564. PMCID: PMC34117.
38. Schlacher, K., Wu, H., and Jasin, M. (2012) A Distinct Replication Fork Protection Pathway Connects Fanconi Anemia Tumor Suppressors to RAD51-BRCA1/2. Cancer Cell 22(1):106-16. PMID: 22789542
39. Hill, R., Li, Y., Tran, L.M., Dry, S., Calvopina, J.H., Garcia, A., Kim, C., Wang, Y., Donahue, T.R., Herschman, H.R., and Wu, H. (2012) Cell Intrinsic Role of Cox-2 in Pancreatic Cancer Development. Mol Cancer Ther. 11(10):2127-37. PMCID: PMC3469770
40. Graham, N., Tahmasian, M., Kohli, B., Komisopoulou, E., Zhu, M., Vivanco, I., Teitell, M., Wu, H., Ribas, A., Lo, R., Mellinghoff, I., Mischel, P., and Graeber, T.G.(2012) Glucose deprivation activates a metabolic and signaling amplification loop leading to cell death Mol Syst Biol. 8(1): 589. PMCID: PMC3397414
41. Hubner, A., Mulholland, D., Standen, C., Karasarides, M., Cavanagh-Kyros, J., Barrett, T., Chi, H., Greiner, D., Tournier, C., Flavell, R., Sawyers, C., Wu H., and Davis, R. (2012) JNK and PTEN co-operatively control the development of invasive adenocarcinoma of the prostate. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 109(30):12046-51. PMCID: PMC3409732
42. Mulholland, D., Kobayashi, N., Ruscetti, M., Zhi, A., Tran, L.M., Huang, J., Gleave, M and Wu, H (2012) Pten loss and RAS/MAPK activation coorperate to promote EMT and prostate cancer metastasis initiated from stem/progenitor cells. Cancer Res. 72 (7):1878-89. PMCID: PMC3319847
43. Tran, L.M., Chang, C., Plaisier, S., Dang, J., Mischel, P.S., Liao, J., Graeber, T.G. and Wu, H. (2012) Determining PTEN functional status by network component deducted transcription factor activities. PLoS One 7(2):e31053. PMCID: PMC 3275574
44. Donahue, T.R., Tran, M.L., Hill, R., Li, Y, Kovochich, A., Calvopina, J., Patel, S.G., Farrell, J.J., Li, X., Dawson, D. and Wu, H. (2012) Integrative survival-based molecular profiling of Human Pancreatic Cancer. Clinic Cancer Res. 18(5): 1352-63. PMID: 22261810
45. Moon BC, Hernandez-Ono A, Stiles B, Wu H, Ginsberg HN. Apolipoprotein B secretion is regulated by hepatic triglyceride, and not insulin, in a model of increased hepatic insulin signaling. Artherioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2012 Feb;32(2):236-46
46. Pope, W.B., Prins, R.M., Thomas, A., Nagarajan, R., Yen, K., Bittinger, M.A., Salamon, N., Choud, A.P., Yong, W.H., Soto, H., Wilson, N., Driggers, E., Jang, H.G., Su, S.M., Schenkein, D.P., Lai, A., Cloughey, T.F., Kornblum H.I., Wu, H., Fantin, V.R., Liau, L.M. (2012) Non-invasive detection of 2-hydroxyglutarate and other metabolites in IDH1 mutant glioma patients using magnetic resonance spectroscopy. J Neurooncol. 107(1):197-205. PMCID: PMC3650613.
47. Valamehr, B., Tsutsui, H., Ho, C.M., and Wu, H (2011) Developing defined culture system for human pluripotent stem cells. Regen. Med. 6:623-634. PMID: 21916597
48. Santiskulvong C, Konecny GE, Fekete M, Chen KY, Karam A, Mulholland D, Eng C, Wu, H., Song M, Dorigo O. (2011) Dual targeting of phosphoinositide 3-kinase and mammalian target of rapamycin using NVP-BEZ235 as a novel therapeutic approach in human ovarian carcinoma. Clinic Cancer Res. 17:2373-84. PMCID: PMC3078990
49. Palaskas NJ, Larson SM, Schultz N, Komisopoulou E, Wong J, Rohle D, Campos C, Yannuzzi N, Osborne JR, Linkov I, Kastenhuber E, Taschereau R, Plaisier SB, Tran C, Heguy A, Wu, H., Sander C, Phelps ME, Brennan CW, Port E, Huse JT, Graeber TG, Mellinghoff I.(2011) 18F-fluorodeoxy-glucose positron emission tomography (18FDG-PET) marks MYC-overexpressing human basal-like breast cancers. Cancer Res 71:5164-74. PMCID: PMC3148325
50. McCabe K. E, Liu B, Marks J.D, Tomlinson J.S, Wu, H., Wu A. (2011) An Engineered Cysteine-Modified Diabody for Imaging Activated Leukocyte Cell Adhesion Molecule (ALCAM)-Positive Tumors. Molecular Imaging & Biology. 111(6). PMCID: PMC3227780
51. Mulholland, D., Tran, M.L., Cai, H., Morim, A., Wang, S., Plaisier, S., Huang, J., Garraway, I., Graeber, T. and Wu, H. (2011) Cell autonomous role of PTEN in regulating castration-resistant prostate cancer growth. Cancer Cell 19, 792-804. PMCID: PMC3157296.
52. Schlacher, K., Christ, N., Siaud, N., Egashira, A., Wu, H. and Jasin, M. (2011) Homologous recombination independent role for BRCA1 in blocking stalled replication folk degradation by MRE11. Cell 145, 529-542. PMCID: PMC3261725
53. Duy C, Hurtz C, Shojaee S, Cerchietti L, Geng H, Klemm L, Nahar R, Park E, Kim YM, Jumaa H, Koeffler HP, Yu JJ, Heisterkamp N, Graeber TG, Wu H, Ye BH, Melnick A and Müschen M. (2011) BCL6 enables Ph+ acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells to survive BCR-ABL1 kinase inhibition. Nature 473:384-8. PMCID: PMC3597744
54. Lindgren, A.G., Natsuhara, K., Tian, E., Vincent, J.J., Li X., Jiao, J., Wu, H., Banerjee, U. and Clark, A.T. (2011) Loss of Pten causes tumor initiation following differentiation of murine pluripotent stem cells due to failed repression of Nanog. PLoS One. 6(1):e16478. PMCID: PMC3029365
55. Le Belle, J., Orozco, N.M., Paucar, A., Saxe, J., Mottahedeh, J., Pyle, A., Wu, H. and Kornblum, H. (2011) Proliferative neural stem cell maintain high endogenous levels of reactive oxygen species that regulate self-renewal and neurogenesis in a PI3K/AKT-dependent manner. Cell Stem Cell 8 (1): 59-71. PMCID: PMC3018289
56. Guo, W., Schubbert, S., Chen, J-Y, Valamehr, V., Mosessian, S., Shi, H., Garcia, C., Theodoro, M.F., Varella-Garcia, M and Wu, H. (2011) Suppression of leukemia and leukemia stem cell transformation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 108, 1409-14. PMCID: PMC3029702
57. Tap WD, Eilber FC, Ginther C, Dry SM, Reese N, Barzan-Smith K, Chen HW, Wu H, Eilber FR, Slamon DJ, and Anderson L. (2011) Evaluation of well differentiated/de-differentiated liposarcomas by high-resolution oligonucleotide array-based comparative genomic hybridization. Genes Chromosomes Cancer 50(2):95-112. PMID:21117066
58. Lukacs, R., Memarzadeh, S., Wu, H. and Witte, O (2011) Bmi-1 is a crucial regulator of prostate stem cell self-renewal and malignant transformation. Cell Stem Cell 7(6):682-93. PMCID: PMC3019762
59. Tsutsui, H., Valamehr, B., Hindoyan, A., Qiao, R., Ding, X., Guo, S., Witte, O., Liu, X., Ho, C.M., and Wu, H. (2011) An optimized small molecule inhibitor cocktail supports long-term maintenance of human embryonic stem cells. Nature Communications 2:167. PMCID: PMC3161511
60. Choi, D., Schroer, S., Lu, S., Wang, L., Wu, X., Liu, Y., Zhang, Y., Gaisano, H., Wagner, K., Wu, H., Retnakaran, R., Woo, M. (2010) Erythropoietin protects against diabetes through direct effects on pancreatic beta cells. J. Exp. Med. 207, 2831-2842. PMCID: PMC3005231
61. Hill, R., Calvopina, J.H., Kim, C., Wang, Y., Dawson, D.W., Donahue, T.R., Dry, S., Wu, H. (2010) PTEN Loss Accelerates KrasG12D-Induced Pancreatic Cancer Development. Cancer Res 70 (18):7114-24. PMCID: PMC2940963
62. Tsutsui, H., Yu, E., Marquina, S., Valamehr, B., Wong, I., Wu, H. and Ho, C-M (2010) Efficient dielectrophoretic patterning of embryonic stem cells in energy landscapes defined by hydrogel geometries. Ann. Biomed. Eng. PMCID: PMC2975918
63. Sun, J., Materman-Smith, M., Graham, N., Jiao, J., Mottahedeh, J., Laks, D., Ohashi, M., DeJesus, J., Kamei, K., Lee, K., Wang, H., Yu, S., Lu, Y., Hou, S., Li K., Liu, M., Zhang, N., Wang, S., Angenieux, B., Panosyan, E., Samuel, E., Park, J., Williams, D., Konkankit, V., Mathanson, D., van Dam, R.M., Phelps, M., Wu, H., Liau, L., Mischel, P., Lazareff, J., Kornblum, H., Yong, W., Graeber, T.G., Tseng, H.R. (2010) A microfluidic platform for systems pathology: multiparameter single-cell signaling measurements of clinical brain tumor specimens. Cancer Res. 70:6128-38. PMCID: PMC3163840
64. Vivanco I, Rohle D, Versele M, Iwanami A, Kuga D, Oldrini B, Tanaka K, Dang J, Kubek S, Palaskas N, Hsueh T, Evans M, Mulholland D, Wolle D, Rajasekaran S, Rajasekaran A, Liau LM, Cloughesy TF, Dikic I, Brennan C, Wu H, Mischel PS, Perera T, Mellinghoff IK. (2010) The phosphatase and tensin homolog regulates epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) inhibitor response by targeting EGFR for degradation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 107:6459-64. PMCID: PMC2851999
65. Mosessian, S and Wu, H. (2010) PTEN-Associated Complex: An Overview. Curr. Topic. Biochem. Res. 12:37-42. PMCID: PMC3212753
66. Lillehoj, P.B., Tsutsui, H., Valamehr, B., Wu, H. and Ho, C-M (2010) Continuous sorting of heterogenous-sized embryoid bodies. Lab on a Chip 10:1678-82. NIHMS317101
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