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邮  箱: zhudanmeng (AT) pku.edu.cn

职  称:研究员





  • 个人简介
  • 科研领域
  • 代表性论文


2004 - 2006 , 学习 , 交换学生 , Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, Yale University
2002 - 2007 , 理学博士 , 生物技术 , 北京大学生命科学学院
1998 - 2002 , 理学学士 , 药学 , 北京大学医学部药学院


2022年8月 - 今,        研究员,   北京大学生命科学学院
2010年7月 - 2021年7月   副研究员,  北京大学生命科学学院
2008年2月 - 2010年6月   研究助理,  北京生命科学研究所


      1. 非编码RNA与植物环境适应性调控
2. 植物光信号转导的分子机理
1) Wang, Y., Deng, X.W., and Zhu, D.* (2022) From molecular basics to agronomic benefits: Insights into noncoding RNA-mediated gene regulation in plants. J. Integr. Plant Biol., http://doi:10.1111/jipb.13420
2) Wang, Y.#, Fan, Y.#, Fan, D.#, Zhou, X., Jiao Y., Deng, X.W.*, and Zhu, D.* (2022) Noncoding RNA HID1 promotes phyB-dependent seed germination by repressing the biosynthesis of ABA. Plant Cell, https://doi.org/10.1093/plcell/koac334
3) Wang, Y.#, Fan, Y.#, Fan, D.#, Zhang, Y., Zhou, X., Zhang, R., Wang, Y., Sun, Y., Zhang, W., He, Y., Deng, X.W.*, and Zhu, D.* (2022) The Arabidopsis DREAM complex antagonizes WDR5A to modulate histone H3K4me2/3 deposition for a subset of genome repression. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A, 119(27): e2206075119.
4) 周晓利,朱丹萌* (2020) 探索非编码RNA-植物基因组中的寻宝之旅。生命世界, 8:62-65 科普文章
5) Li, J., Terzaghi, W.,Gong, Y., Li, C., Ling, J., Fan, Y., Qin, N., Gong, X*., Zhu, D*; Deng, XW*. Modulation of BIN2 kinase activity by HY5 controls hypocotyl elongation in the light, Nature Communications, 2020, 11(1): 1592. #Co-first author *Corresponding author
6) Ling, JJ#., Li, Jian#., Zhu, D*., Deng, XW*. Noncanonical role of Arabidopsis COP1/SPA complex in repressing BIN2-mediated PIF3 phosphorylation and degradation in darkness , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2017, 114(13): 3539-3544.
7) Wang, Y; Li, J; Deng, X W*; Zhu, D*. Arabidopsis noncoding RNA modulates seedling greening during deetiolation, Sci China Life Sci, 2017, 61(2): 199-203.
8) Zhu, P.#, Wang, Y.#, Qin, N., Wang, F., Wang, J., Deng, XW.*,Zhu, D*. An Arabidopsis small nucleolar RNA monitors the efficient pre-rRNA processing during ribosome biogenesis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA , 2016, doi:10.1073/pnas.1614852113.
9) 王玉秋,樊德,邓兴旺,朱丹萌* 高等植物中的较长非编码RNA:从序列、功能到分子机理。生命科学, 2016, 28(6):630-639
10) Wang, Y., Fan, X., Lin, F., He, G., Terzaghi, W., Zhu, D.*, Deng, X. W. * Arabidopsis noncoding RNA mediates Control of Photomorphogenesis by Red Light , Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA , 2014 , 111(28): 10359-10364
11) Wang, Y., Deng, W., Fan, X., Liu, T. T., He, G. Chen, R. Terzaghi, W., Zhu, D*. and Deng, X. W.* Genomic Features and Regulatory Roles of Intermediate-Sized Non-Coding RNAs in Arabidopsis , Molecular Plant , 2014 , 7(3):514-527
12) Liu TT, Zhu D*, Chen W, Deng, W, He G, Bai B, Qi Y, Chen R, Deng XW* A Global identification and analysis of small nucleolar RNAs and possible intermediate-size non-coding RNA s in Oryza sativa. , Molecular Plant , 2012 , doi:10.1093/mp/sss087
13) Zhu D, Deng XW , A non-coding RNA locus mediates environment-conditioned male sterility in rice. Cell Res. , 2012 , Mar. 20
14) Zhu D, Maier A, Lee JH, Laubinger S, Saijo Y, Wang H, Qu LJ, Hoecker U, Deng XW. Biochemical Characterization of Arabidopsis Complexes Containing CONSTITUTIVELY PHOTOMORPHOGENIC1 and SUPPRESSOR OF PHYA Proteins in Light Control of Plant Development. , Plant Cell , 2008 , 20(9):2307-23
15) Saijo Y, Zhu D, Li J, Rubio V, Zhou Z, Shen Y, Hoecker U, Wang H, and Deng XW. Arabidopsis COP1/SPA1 Complex and FHY1/FHY3 Associate with Distinct Phosphorylated Forms of Phytochrome A in Balancing Light Signaling. , Mol. Cell. , 2008 , 31:607-613

