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邮  箱: rjwang (AT) pku.edu.cn

职  称:副教授






  • 个人简介
  • 科研领域
  • 代表性论文


1997 - 2001 , 理学博士 , 动物学 , 北京大学
1991 - 1994 , 理学硕士 , 昆虫学 , 北京大学
1987 - 1991 , 理学学士 , 生物学 , 北京大学


1994 - 至今 , 教师 , 北京大学生命科学学院
1. 种群生态学
  栖息地破坏是物种绝灭的最主要的原因之一。日益加剧的人类活动将生物原有栖息地分割成小的斑块,大量物种就只能生活于这样片段化的栖息地中。小的斑块只能维持有限数量的种群,面临很高的绝灭风险,而现有种群迁出个体可以在空的栖息地中重新建立种群,物种可以在绝灭和重定殖的平衡中得以维持,即以集合种群(metapopulation)形式存在。栖息地片段化将给生活于其中的物种带来怎样的影响,同时物种又是如何适应栖息地片段化并得以续存,这是我们现在所关注的主要问题,这对探讨物种的保护策略及保护区设计原则具有重要意义。本研究组以庆网蛱蝶(Melitaea cinxia)为主要研究对象,通过和芬兰庆网蛱蝶种群的比较研究,探讨不同片段化程度下集合种群结构动态及其影响因素,从而分析栖息地片段化对庆网蛱蝶的影响,以及庆网蛱蝶的适应机制。目前,主要涉及集合种群动态对迁移能力快速进化的影响、近交衰退对集合种群动态的影响、种群结构和遗传结构、雄蝶的求偶及交配策略等方面。
2. 分子生态学
1. Luo, S. Q., Wong, S. C., Xu, C. R., Hanski, I., Wang, R. J., Lehtonen, R. , Phenotypic plasticity in thermal tolerance in the Glanville fritillary butterfly. , Journal of Thermal Biology , 2014 , 42, 33-39.
2. Yan Zhou, Chang Xu, Houqiang Chen, Dandan Zhang, Yu Long, Fengming Yan, Chongren Xu, Rongjiang Wang. , Different male mate location behaviour of the Glanville fritillary butterfly in different landscapes in the Tianshan Mountains, northwestern China. , Entomologica Fennica , 2013 , 24: 129–139
3. Shiqi Luo, Chang Shu, Chongren Xu, Rongjiang Wang , Molecular cloning and expression in vitro of a carboxylesterase gene from the Glanville fritillary butterfly (Melitaea cinxia). , Gene , 2013 , 524: 275-281
4. Luo, S. Q., Shu, C., Xu, C. R., Wang, R. J. , Molecular cloning and expression in vitro of a carboxylesterase gene from the Glanville fritillary butterfly (Melitaea cinxia). , Gene , 2013 , 524, 275-281.
5. 王庆容, 许昌, 许崇任, 王戎疆 , 兰州鲇线粒体基因组序列结构及系统发育分析 , 北京大学学报(自然科学版) , 2012 , 48(3):376-380
6. Haidi YIN, Fengming YAN, Jianguo JI, Yinxin, LI, Rongjiang WANG, Chongren XU , Proteomic analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana leaves infested by tobacco whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) B biotype , Plant Molecular Biology Reporter , 2012 , 30(2): 379-390
7. Yan ZHOU, Yundong CAO, Houqiang CHEN, Yu LONG, Fengming YAN, Chongren XU,Rongjiang WANG , Habitat utilization of the Glanville fritillary butterfly in the Tianshan Mountains, China, and its implication for conservation. , Journal of Insect Conservation , 2012 , 16(2): 207-214
8. 张茂林,王戎疆 , 昆虫多样性的保护现状与趋势. , 应用昆虫学报 , 2011 , 48(3): 739-745
9. Rongjiang WANG, Osto OVASKAINEN, Yundong CAO, Houqiang CHEN, Yan ZHOU, Chongren XU & Ilkka HANSKI , Dispersal in the Glanville fritillary butterfly in fragmented versus continuous landscape: comparison between three methods. , Ecological Entomology , 2011 , 36(2): 251–260.
10. Haidi YIN, Xiaoying WANG, Kun XUE, Cuihong HUANG, Rongjiang WANG, Fengming YAN, Chongren XU , Impacts of transgenic Bt cotton on the stylet penetration behaviors of Bemisia tabaci biotype B: Evidence from laboratory experiments , Insect Science , 2010 , 17(4): 344-352
11. Cuihong HUANG, Fengming YAN, John A BYERS, Rongjiang WANG, Chongren XU , Volatiles induced by the larvae of the Asian corn borer (Ostrinia furnacalis) in maize plants affect behavior of conspecific larvae and female adults , Insect Science , 2009 , 16(4): 311-320
12. Kun XUE, Xiao-Ying WANG, Cui-Hong HUANG, Rong-Jiang WANG, Biao LIU, Feng-Ming YAN, Chongren XU , Stylet penetration behaviors of the cotton aphid Aphis gossypii on transgenic Bt cotton. , Insect Science , 2009 , 16(2): 137-146.
13. Qian WANG, Shuqiang LI, Rongjiang WANG, Pierre PAQUIN. , Phylogeographic analysis of Pimoidae (Arachnida: Araneae) inferred from mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I and nuclear 28S rRNA gene regions. , J Zool Syst Evol Res , 2008 , 46(2), 96–104
14. Kun XUE, Su DENG, Rongjiang WANG, Fengming YAN, Chongren XU. , Leaf surface factors of transgenic Bt cotton associated with the feeding behaviors of cotton aphids: A case study on non-target effects. , Sci China Ser C-Life Sci , 2008 , 51(2): 145-156
15. 殷海娣,黄翠虹,薛堃,王戎疆,闫凤鸣 , 昆虫唾液成分在昆虫与植物关系中的作用 , 昆虫学报 , 2006 , 49(5): 843-849
16. Yu LONG, Hong WAN, Fengming YAN, Chongren XU, Guangchun LEI, Shaowen LI, and Rongjiang WANG. , Glacial Effects on Sequence Divergence of Mitochondrial COII of Polyura eudamippus (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in China. , Biochemical Genetics , 2006 , 44(7/8):361-377.
17. Cuihong Huang, Xiaoying Wang, Rongjiang Wang, Kun Xue, Fengming Yan, Chongren Xu. , Distribution and variations of three 1,4-benzoxazin-3-ones in maize induced by the Asian corn borer Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenee). , Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung C , 2006 , 61(3-4):257-262.
18. Rongjiang Wang, Yifei Wang, Jiejun Chen, Guangchun Lei, Rumei Xu. , Contrasting movement patterns in two species of checkerspot butterflies, Euphydryas aurinia and Melitaea phoebe, in the same patch network. , Ecological Entomology , 2004 , 29, 367-374
19. 陈洁君,王义飞,雷光春,王戎疆,徐汝梅. , 栖息地质量对两种网蛱蝶集合种群结构和分布的影响. , 昆虫学报 , 2004 , 47(1): 59-66.
20. 王戎疆,万宏,龙玉,李绍文,雷光春. , 利用线粒体COII基因序列对中国尾蛱蝶属系统分化的研究(鳞翅目:蛱蝶科). , 昆虫学报 , 2004 , 47(2): 243-247
21. 王戎疆; 万宏; 雷光春; 李绍文 , 我国不同地区二尾蛱蝶线粒体细胞色素氧化酶Ⅱ的DNA序列差异 , 北京大学学报(自然科学版) , 2003 , 39(6):775-779
22. 王义飞,陈洁君,王戎疆,雷光春,徐汝梅. , 两种共存网蛱蝶的不同集合种群结构及动态. , 科学通报 , 2003 , 48(9): 940-946
23. Rongjiang WANG, Yifei WANG, Guangchun LEI, Rumei XU and Jodie PAINTER. , Genetic differentiation within metapopulations of Euphydryas aurinia and Melitaea phoebe in China. , Biochemical Genetics , 2003 , 41(3/4): 107-118
24. Rongjiang WANG, Yu LONG. , An improved COII primer specific for Lepidoptera. , Biochemical Genetics , 2003 , 41(1/2): 57-60
25. 罗晨,姚远,王戎疆,阎凤鸣,胡敦孝,张芝利. , 利用mtDNA COI基因序列鉴定我国烟粉虱的生物型 , 昆虫学报 , 2002 , 45(6): 759-763
26. Rongjiang WANG, Jodie N PAINTER and Ilkka HANSKI. , Amplification of DNA markers from scat samples of the least weasel Mustela nivalis nivalis. , Acta Theriologica , 2002 , 47(4):425-431
27. 王戎疆 , 粪便DNA分析技术在动物生态学中的应用 , 动物学报 , 2001 , 47(6): 699~703
28. 丁志勇,许崇任,王戎疆 , 转Bt基因抗虫棉与常规棉中几种同工酶的比较—转基因植物安全性评价生理指标初探 , 生态学报 , 2001 , 21(2): 332-336.
29. 孙姗,徐茂磊,王戎疆,李绍文 , RAPD方法用于亚洲玉米螟地理种群分化的研究 , 昆虫学报 , 2000 , 43(1):103-106.
30. Maolei Xu, Shan Sun, Rongjiang Wang and Shaowen Li , Genetic variation and phylogenetic relationships among six populations of corn borers in China. , Biochemical Genetics , 1998 , 36(7/8): 289-297.
31. 张海涛,徐茂磊,王戎疆,李绍文 , 蔬菜常见蚜种的生化检索 , 北京大学学报 , 1997 , 33(4):508-513.
32. 任淑仙,王戎疆,韩峥 , 黄粉甲幼虫防卫机制的研究 , 北京大学学报 , 1997 , 33(6):743-748.
33. 肖静伟,王戎疆,李绍文,李举怀 , 蜂王浆中一种有抗菌活性的小肽 , 昆虫学报 , 1996 , 39 (2): 133-140.
34. 王戎疆,徐茂磊,李绍文 , 十种蚜虫的生化鉴别(同翅目,蚜总科) , 昆虫分类学报 , 1996 , 18(3):178-182
35. Rongjiang Wang, Fengming Yan, Songgang Li and Shaowen Li , Allozyme differentiation among nine populations of the corn borer (Ostrinia) in China. , Biochemical Genetics , 1995 , 33(11/12): 413-420

