其次,除了达尔文思想的传播以外,在座的听众们,尤其是西方来的,可能会觉得有趣的是,达尔文的朋友和同志的学术家系也遍布全球。达尔文自己没有学生,但我不久前得知,我自己的学术谱系之一,通过神经生理学家Charles Sherrington,一直可以追踪到赫胥黎。他不仅是达尔文思想的坚强鼓吹者,他自己也是一位伟大的智识分子。北京大学生命科学学院的所有学生,包括协助会议组织和今天参加会议的同学们,都是赫胥黎的第八代学术后裔。
第三,我想告诉大家,北京大学将成立 “演化生物学和基因组学研究所”, 结合生物学最古老的与最新的学科之一。这表明,北京大学相信,演化生物学不是过去的科学,而是现代的科学,是有着光明未来的科学。
(2009年10月24日星期六 北京大学 英杰交流中心 阳光大厅)
On the Chinese Symposium on Darwin 200,organized by Chinese biologists and taking place at Peking University, I would like to give four brief reminders.
First, among the major cultures and civilizations of the world, China offered perhaps the least resistance to Darwinian ideas. China is fundamentally an atheist society. There were, of course, Chinese fairy tales about the origin of humans, but they were understood as fairy tales. Intellectual giants in ancient China never pretended to know human origin. In fact, Confucius explicitly stated that he would not talk about gods or ghosts. Once Darwin was introduced to China by Yan Fu, a former president of Peking University, the Chinese people embraced his ideas.
Secondly, in addition to the spread of Darwinian ideas, the audience, especially those from the West, might find it interesting that the scientific progenies of Darwin’s friends and comrades have also spread far around the world. Darwin had no direct students, but I have learned not too long ago, that one of my own scientific lineages, through the neurophysiologist Charles Sherrington, could be traced to Thomas Huxley, Darwin’s bulldog, a strong advocate of Darwinian ideas and a great intellectual in his own right. All students in Peking University School of Life Sciences, including those in the audience and those helping with this symposium, are thus 8th generation students of Thomas Huxley.
Thirdly, I would like to inform you that Peking University will establish an Institute of Evolutionary Biology and Genomics, combining one of the oldest branches of biology with one of the newest, showing that Peking University believes that evolutionary biology is not a science of the past, but one of the present, with a bright future.
Last and also the least, I am happy to note, that by simultaneously celebrating the 150th anniversary for the publication of the Origin of Species, we are reminding people that Darwin published his best work when he was 50. This gives great hope to us, at least some of us, who has yet to do his or her best work.
Thank you all for coming to the symposium and I hope you will enjoy academic interactions as well as Peking University.