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JIAO, Yuling
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Personal Homepage:
2001 - 2006, M.S. & Ph.D., Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, Yale University
1997 - 2001, B.S., Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Peking University
Professional Experience
2021 - present, Boya Distinguished Professor, School of Life Sciences, Peking University
2021 - present, Investigator, Peking University - Tsinghua University Center for Life Sciences
2015 - 2021, Adjunct Professor, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
2021, Head, Center for Genome Biology, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2016 - 2020, Vice Head, Center for Genome Biology, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2010 - 2021, Investigator, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2006 - 2010, Postdoctoral Fellow, Division of Biology, California Institute of Technology
Honors and Awards
Science and Technology Award for Chinese Youth, China Association for Science and Technology, 2020
Distinguished Young Scientist Award, Chinese Society for Plant Biologists, 2019
Distinguished Young Scholar, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2019
VCANBIO Award for Innovations and Breakthroughs in Life Sciences and Medicine, 2018
Newton Advanced Fellowship, Royal Society of the UK, 2018
National High-level Personnel of Special Support Program, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, 2018
Young and Middle-aged Leading Scientists, Engineers and Innovators, Ministry of Science and Technology, 2017
CAS Distinguished Research Fellow, 2016
National Program for Support of Top-Notch Young Professionals, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, 2015
Excellence Award, CAS Hundred Talents Program, 2015
Yihai Kerry Excellence in Mentoring Award, IGDB, 2014
Excellent Young Scientists Fund Scholar, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2013
SCOPUS Young Researcher Award in Life Sciences, 2012
Hundred Talents Program, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2011
NSF US/German Research Exchange Opportunity Program Fellowship, 2010
John Spangler Nicholas Prize for Outstanding Doctoral Candidate in Biology, Yale University, 2007
Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Students Abroad , 2005
Joseph F. Cullman, Jr. Fellowship, Yale University, 2002
Professional Society Affiliations
2020-2024,Multinational Arabidopsis Steering Committee, Director(共同主席)
2016-今,Multinational Arabidopsis Steering Committee, China Representative(中国代表)
2018-2021,Arabidopsis Biological Resource Center 科学顾问委员会,委员
Editorial Activities
2020 - present, Guest Reviewing Editor, Plant Cell
2020 - present, Associate Editor, Quantitative Plant Biology
2020 - present, Associate Editor, Frontiers in Plant Sciences, Section in Development and EvoDevo
2019 - present, Editorial Board, in silico Plants
2017 - present, Editorial Board, Journal of Plant Research
Research Interests
Yuling Jiao’s lab combines multidisciplinary approaches to study plant development, in particular shoot lateral appendage formation and patterning. In combination with mathematical simulation, they study the 3D form acquisition of leaves, the primary aerial organ. In addition, they study how a stem cell lineage is maintained in the leaf axil to enable shoot branching. More recently, the lab has spearheaded plant synthetic genomics research, and aims at establishing the first synthetic plant chromosome.
Representative Peer-Reviewed Publications
1. Du, F. and Jiao, Y. (2020) Mechanical control of plant morphogenesis: concepts and progress. Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. 57: 16–23.

2. Du, F., Guan, C. and Jiao, Y. (2018) Molecular mechanisms of leaf morphogenesis. Mol. Plant 11: 1117-1134.

3. Wang, Y. and Jiao, Y. (2018) Axillary meristem initiation — a way to branch out. Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. 41: 61-66.

1. Xu, M., Du, Q., Tian, C., Wang, Y.* and Jiao, Y.* (2021) Stochastic gene expression drives mesophyll protoplast regeneration. Sci. Adv. 7: abg8466.

2. Zhao, F., Du, F., Oliveri, H., Zhou, L., Ali, O., Chen, W., Feng, S., Wang, Q., Lü, S., Long, M., Schneider, R., Sampathkumar, A., Godin, C., Traas, J.* and Jiao, Y.* (2020) Microtubule-mediated wall anisotropy contributes to leaf blade flattening. Curr. Biol. 30: 3972-3985.
Highlighted with a Dispatch article in Curr. Biol. 30: R1268-R1270

3. Zhou, Y., Zhao, X., Li, Y., Xu, J., Bi, A., Kang, L., Chen, H., Wang, Y., Wang, Y., Liu, S., Jiao, C., Lu, H., Wang, J., Yin, C., Jiao, Y.* and Lu, F.* (2020) Convergence within divergence: insights of wheat adaptation from Triticum population sequencing. Nat. Genet. 52: 1412-1422.

4. Cao, X., Wang, J., Xiong, Y., Yang, H., Yang, M., Ye, P., Bencivenga, S., Sablowski, S. and Jiao, Y.* (2020) A self-activation loop maintains meristematic cell fate for branching. Curr. Biol. 30: 1893-1904.

5. Tian, C., Wang, Y., Yu, H., He, J., Shi, B., Du, Q., Provart, N.J., Meyerowitz, E.M., and Jiao, Y.* (2019) A gene-expression map of shoot domains reveals new regulatory mechanisms. Nat. Commun. 10: 141.

6. Shi, B., Guo, X., Wang, Y., Xiong, Y., Wang, J., Hayashi, K.-i., Lei, J., Zhang, L.* and Jiao, Y.* (2018) Feedback from lateral organs controls shoot apical meristem growth by modulating auxin transport. Dev. Cell 44: 204-216.

7. Guan, C., Wu, B., Yu, T., Wang, Q., Krogan, N.T., Liu, X. and Jiao, Y.* (2017) Spatial auxin signaling controls leaf flattening in Arabidopsis. Curr. Biol. 27: 2940-2950.
Selected for F1000 Prime

8. Qi, J., Wu, B., Feng, S., Lü, S., Guan, C., Zhang, X., Qiu, D., Hu, Y., Zhou, Y., Li, C., Long, M.* and Jiao, Y.* (2017) Mechanical regulation of organ asymmetry in leaves. Nat. Plants 3: 724-733.
Featured on the cover

9. Wang, J., Tian, C., Zhang, C., Shi, B., Cao, X., Zhang, T.-Q., Zhao, Z., Wang, J.-W. and Jiao, Y.* (2017) Cytokinin signaling activates WUSCHEL expression during axillary meristem initiation. Plant Cell 29: 1374-1387.
Featured on the cover
Highlighted with a Spotlight article in Trends Plant Sci 22: 815-817

10. Qi, J., Wang, Y., Yu, T., Cunha, A., Wu, B., Vernoux, T., Meyerowitz, E.M.* and Jiao, Y.* (2014) Auxin depletion from leaf primordia contributes to organ patterning. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 111: 18769-18774.
Highlighted with a Research Highlight article in Sci China Life Sci 58: 315-316

11. Wang, Y., Wang, J., Shi, B., Yu, T., Qi, J., Meyerowitz, E.M. and Jiao, Y.* (2014) The stem cell niche in leaf axils is established by auxin and cytokinin in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, 26: 2055-2067.
Highlighted with an In Brief article in Plant Cell 26: 1836
Selected for F1000 Prime

12. Han, Y., Zhang, C., Yang, H. and Jiao, Y.* (2014) Cytokinin pathway mediates APETALA1 function in the establishment of determinate floral meristem in Arabidopsis. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA, 111: 6840-6845.

Full list of publications: http://jiaolab.genetics.ac.cn/publication.html
Laboratory Introduction